Package-level declarations


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data class CameraAngle(val bearing: Measurement, val pitch: Measurement)
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interface DrawState
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data class EncodedDataGroup(var id: String, var datasets: List<EncodedDataset>)
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class EventDispatcher(validEventTypes: List<Regex> = listOf(Regex(".*")), triggerLastEvent: Boolean = false)
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class EventJS(val type: String, val args: Map<String, Any> = emptyMap())
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data class ImageRepresentable(val width: Int, val height: Int, val data: ByteArray?)
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data class Measurement(val value: Double, val unit: AngleUnit)
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open class Object3D(context: Context? = null) : GLObject


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fun copyImage(src: ImageRepresentable, dest: ImageRepresentable, sx: Int, sy: Int, tx: Int, ty: Int, size: Size, channels: Int = 4): ImageRepresentable
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fun padBitmap(bitmap: ByteArray, originalSize: Int, padding: Int): ByteArray